Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I've come a long way to just fold back into line
Keep both feet on the ground
While I change wings

How do we know what's coming?
How do we know which direction to take?
What choice is the best and which is the wrong choice?
It's a leap of faith.
Whether you are a Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Agnostic, Athiest, each choice that you make is a leap of faith.
There really isn't a clear direction to take with our choices and that can be really scary sometimes.
Let it be.
Each choice you make may bring you sorrow or joy, but you'll learn either way.  Every step you've taken to now has made you smarter, stronger, better.

1 comment:

  1. All of life is a leap of faith. All we really have control over are the choices we make. And if we make good ones, our leaps aren't quite as big or scary.
