Monday, November 19, 2012

On Tricking Yourself

Constantly I am wondering what could be or should be different.

When "it's just a joke" starts to lose it's luster.
     "You really shouldn't take everything so seriously you know."

There are times when I pause and catch your eye and your cheek bones raise; your eyes smile back but you don't know how much deeper it really goes.
The creative character that lives there makes me want to squeeze your hand.
I can see more than you think.

I am so easily taken back to exact sentences you spoke months ago.
It's hard not to be angry at hollow words.

I know what I want and I know what I feel but to listen is a whole different game.

We fit so well body to body, mouth to shoulder blade with eyes shut.
But when the sun comes up you're not there.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Don't Forget:

Just remember to fall in love with the world newly again each day.