Wednesday, October 19, 2011

a n e w

Where have all the good people gone? Were there even any in the first place?
I have such a sensitive soul that wants nothing but good.  When I am disappointed or when I know I let someone down that I care about, it truly eats away at me.  I let it fester in my head and do nothing but think, grovel, mourn, lose my appetite.  This is something I need to work on.

Let go and let God.

I am a human being and so is everyone else around me.  All I can do is make the best of every situation that I'm in and handle things the way that I know is right.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I'll be honest, I'm really struggling right now in a lot of aspects.
          Have I made all the right decisions that brought me to where I am now?  Should I have moved so suddenly?  I could have stayed in California.  I would have gotten to tell Paige that I loved her one last time, I would have been at the memorial.  My faith wouldn't be on such a rocky path--I'd be at SHOUT every Thursday brought to tears by the presence of God in my heart.  My grades would have remained a whole lot higher... they've dipped harshly since coming back to Milwaukee.  The people who supported me so greatly while I was there would still be close to me, there wouldn't be the pain of missing them.
          But why do that to myself?  If I would have stayed, I would have wondered similar things about "what if I had moved back to Milwaukee?"  I have learned so much since making the transition.  I am financially more stable and responsible, I am TRYING to be a better student, I have a handful of great friends here, and I am learning to be more independent than ever--learning to be confident alone with my thoughts.  I am learning that faith isn't always strong, it is a constant struggle.  It is a walk with God that fluctuates and changes, one that helps me grow.

So let's end here...
Finding the positive isn't easy for any of us.  One thing I try to do everyday is remind myself of why my life is truly wonderful amongst all the pain and struggle...

I'm alive.
I can walk and my mind works just fine.
I have great family and friends.
I have clothes and a home and food.
I have passion and desire.

What do you have?

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