Friday, May 4, 2012

Expectations Rob Bliss From Reality

Take a second and think about the next week of your life. I bet you have formulated some plans for Tuesday dinner out with friends, Wednesday study group, Thursday morning shopping. Even plans as small or basic as these hold expectations. So you're getting dinner with friends Tuesday...perhaps you've already picked out what you will wear. Maybe you know where you want to eat. And oh it will be sunny so of course you're envisioning sitting on the patio. I bet you can picture the friend to your left putting an arm around you and reminding you that you're the best. I bet you can see clearly that your pal across from you finally brought you back the sweater you so graciously lent out in December. The check comes back and you're pleasantly surprised when someone else offers to pick it up this time. If you're anything like me you do this consistently. Unfortunately lately I have realized that my practicing habit of creating perfect scenarios such as these in my head ends up leaving me disappointed. What you've dreamt up may be wonderful...but then when you actually experience what you do, things of course are going to be very different. I promise it will only end up leaving you disappointed. Let go of these expectations. Let life simply happen because we don't have control over everything. And it's more fun that way. Unexpected bumps in the road lend a hand to growth and better memories. Try not to expect so much out of situations and even more so people. If you love someone, you will do your best to care for them and they will do the same. But no one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Don't expect that perfection from them. Because why should you deserve that anyways? We are only human. You get what you give.

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