Why are we always so eager to share?
Why are we always talking about ourselves?
Why are we constantly sharing things about our day with others?
Why are we writing posts on Facebook about our tiny irrelevant opinions?
Why do we "tweet" thoughts seconds after they cross our minds?
Why do we take pictures of what we are eating and post them on instagram?
What makes us think that we are so great, so worthy of the attention of others, that we are constantly letting people know what we are thinking and doing?
I sit here typing away and drinking my coffee only minutes after I browsed multiple social networks.
Is it habit?
Or is there really meaning there?
I am constantly struggling with this. I've deleted twitter and instagram both at least once. The number of times I've gone back and forth with deactivating and activating my Facebook is almost sickening. It's like I have all these thoughts in my head, but I'm not strong enough to overcome them...or something. There's something so addicting with being in constant and complete touch with all others in my life, even distant people. It's like a trashy celebrity gossip magazine so gladly read cover to cover. I love seeing what other people are doing. And for some reason I love sharing my life too- I'm doing so right now by giving my thoughts.
But where do we draw the line?
Where is privacy?
And is it only going to get worse?
Humble yourself. I sure am going to try.