Sunday, September 30, 2012

To You, Selfless Comrades

This is a warm 'thank you' for the few of you who have my heart. There are only a handful of you who have been so wonderful throughout everything and I don't think I tell you that I appreciate you enough. This is for you-you know who you are.

Thank you for being near to my heart even though you are so many miles away.
Thank you for always being willing to sacrifice for me because you truly care.
Thank you for brightening my days with kind words.
Thank you for still loving me no matter how far we are or how long we haven't spoken for.
Thank you for being my friend even on your busiest day.
Thank you for teaching me- through disagreements, honesty, and a positive outlook.
Thank you for going above and beyond to show you care-so many don't.
Thank you for being selfless.
Thank you for understanding a balance of give and take.
Thank you for new experiences.
Thank you for not sucking.
